AmaTerra archaeologist returns from research at the Pingelap Atoll in the Pacific
Even though it's sliding farther and farther into the rear view mirror, how about one last little taste of summer? One staffer spent her...

The work continues at the Headwaters of the Comal Project - the Spring Cap is Off!
Watch the video! After 80 years of being covered, a Great Depression-era spring cap over the source of the Comal River is cut away and lifte

AmaTerra Archaeologist Receives White Sands Missile Range Commander's Coin
Exciting news from AmaTerra's team at White Sands Missile Range! Staff archaeologist, Matt Cuba was surprised (literally; he'd been out...

The Texas Historical Commission's Award of Merit for Archaeology Presented to AmaTerra Environme
Whew! It's been a busy summer but not so busy that we can't post this. On behalf of the company, AmaTerra Archaeology Program Manager...
The Schneider Beer Vaults; Austin's example of historic preservation fitting the modern world be
As some of you may know, AmaTerra senior archaeologist, Rachel Feit, moonlights as a food writer for the Austin Chronicle. Her most...

AmaTerra demonstrates ancient technology at the 2016 New Mexico Archaeology Fair
May is Heritage Preservation Month in New Mexico. As part of that state-wide celebration of culture, history, and archaeology, the New...

The City of Austin's Historic Cemeteries Master Plan Receives the Preservation Texas Honor Award
AmaTerra project manager, Mason Miller, had the opportunity to take the stage at the State Theater in downtown Austin in support of Kim...

'BING!' "That's Our Stop!" AmaTerra to Provide CR Services for Dallas Area Rap
(photo credit: Deborah Dobson-Brown) AmaTerra Environmental, Inc. will serve as an extension to the HDR/HNTB team in providing cultural...

AmaTerra Archeologist, Mason Miller, receives 2015 Council of Texas Archeologists' E. Mott Davis
AmaTerra was thrilled to learn that one of their team had been selected to receive this year's Council of Texas Archeologists' E. Mott...
AmaTerra archaeologist guest blogger on Stephen F. Austin's CRHR - Archaeology Site
AmaTerra archaeologist, Mason Miller, recently was invited as a guest writer on Stephen F. Austin Unveristy's CRHR - Archaeology Blog....