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Geographic Information Systems


A project’s success can hinge on how well information is conveyed.  Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an effective tool for turning complex and abstract data into results that makes sense. Our GIS experts can harness gigabytes of existing and precise, field-collected data to bring a world of information to you.  If your project requires survey planning, probability modeling, or even three-dimensional space analysis, our GIS team has you covered. 

Maritime Arch Anchor

Digital Mapping and Presentation

As the saying goes: “A picture is worth 1,000 words."  Save all that wear and tear on your fingers by turning to AmaTerra’s GIS team to prepare maps, figures, and other visual media to complement any project description or narrative summary.

Maritime Arch Anchor

Digital Data Analysis

Ranging from soils mapping and historic imagery to archaeological site probability models and endangered species habitat boundaries, AmaTerra can integrate essential data into your project in a variety of ways.

Maritime Arch Anchor

Specialty Services

Sometimes unique projects need unique solutions.  Use AmaTerra’s GIS team to develop land surface three-dimensional TIN models, complete digital viewshed analyses, and other less-common deliverables.


Expertise and Experience

GIS is an essential component of all that AmaTerra does.  In fact, more than almost any other discipline, GIS almost certainly has contributed to virtually all that we do.  Our GIS team utilizes the latest technology to maximize survey efficiency, to visualize terrain and topography in three-dimensional space, and finally, to create engaging and informative imagery that your project truly deserves. 


See below for a few examples of our past GIS work.

San Jacinto Battleground Shoreline Assessment Project
Client: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Location: San Jacinto Battleground State Park
Take Away: Use of cutting-edge digital mapping to recreate the original shoreline of Buffalo Bayou during the historic Battle of San Jacinto.

AmaTerra GIS staff worked with archaeologists to trace shoreline changes from 1836 to the present day along Buffalo Bayou adjacent to the San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Park. The purpose of the project was to assess potential impacts from proposed bulkhead improvements along the park’s shoreline to intact archaeological resources associated with the 1836 Battle of San Jacinto, as well as other periods (both prehistoric and historic).  AmaTerra’s work employed a variety of historical maps, photographs, sketches, and narrative accounts to determine how the shoreline changed over time.  Maps were integrated into a GIS geodatabase.  The accompanying, well-received report documents the results of this work, and specifically addresses the potential effects of the proposed bulkhead improvements. 

Click here to view a copy of the final report and associated maps.

Texas Military Forces Environmental Compliance Data Collection
Client: Texas Adjutant General
Location: Texas Statewide
Take Away: Broad, statewide environmental constraints GIS data collection effort.

Over the course of more than three years, AmaTerra staff documented features that have the potential to impact the environment at 80 Texas Military Forces (TXMF) facilities across the state. Data gathered include the location, description, and evaluation of features such as oil-spill containment racks, oil/water separators, hazardous material storage locations, and above ground fuel tanks, to name just a few.

GPS data collection was completed at TXMF armories, field maintenance shops, and other facilities, while detailed geographic-based inventories for each facility were developed through ArcGIS. 

Map of structures and hazardous material storage areas at a Texas National Guard facility.
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